Mission & Vision
We believe that “Educated Citizens are the source from which modern democratic society receives nourishment”.
To this objective the entire thoughts are focused by the community, most of whom are practicing professionals in various fields and in industries. The present civilization is high-tech civilization, ever expanding. The oldest scientific finding is only few years old and science and technology is going thru a “second youth”. The type of education by which one achieves and excellence and overcome the limitations of life is our objective.
Children learn faster and absorb quicker from “Role Models”. The grand mother’s bed time stories of mythological lessons and of Panchtantra tales ignite positive strengths in our children, unlike the present day small screen corrupting the minds of our children. At SICA, we strive for human excellence; and try to guide the students “to be”, rather than “to do”. The vitality of the west and the external values of the east are being combined while guiding the students studying in our school.
The six core values in our approach to kindle excellence in our children and the students are:
” Physical well being
” Depth of thought
” Strength of conviction
” Faith in oneself
” Human touch
” Practical efficiency
The school is supported by a group of excellent and dedicated teachers, support administrative staff and well wishers