Biology is hands on science . By taking hands on learning approach , students can get real sense of Biology concepts.
To allow the students to take the information they have learned in the class and actively apply it, we have a well equipped laboratory with sophisticated instruments. Students are properly guided in the laboratory to perform the experiments in a neat, organized and careful manner. The laboratory is equipped with all the essential biological tools in sufficient numbers, for the students to develop experimental and observational skill in Biological sciences. In addition to these tools, the laboratory also has various teaching aids like charts, models, microscopes, permanent slides, etc to make teaching learning of Biology more interesting and effective in all the classes.
Modern Biology is a vast and elective fields composed of many branches and subdisciplines. To make students aware of various career options in Biology , various workshops on recent developments in different fields like Nanotechnology were organized in which topics like DNA fingerprinting was focused. Our students have already excelled in various medical competitive examination.
Career options in Biology are :
” Gene Therapy
” Artificial organ development
” Tissue culture
” Health and Nutrition
” Transgenic Plants & Animals
” Pharmacogenomics
” Enzymology
” Agriculture Bioscience
” Bioterrorism
” Environmental Bioscience
” Forensics